Social skills
Social Skills Development is an important aspect in understanding and behaving in social situations, including those with children. Our program focuses on using tools to meet the needs of both adults and children as they interact socially.
Personal Growth
We provide a comprehensive personal growth program that focuses on developing the individual to meet their full potential. Our programs are designed for skills training and focus in three key areas: career development, self-development, and financial management.
Health & Wellness
The goal of the Healthy and Wellness Initiatives are threefold: education about prevention-based healthcare; providing critical resources such as nutritional counseling or emergency food assistance; and empowering individuals by making it easier for them to lead healthy lifestyles that will keep their families safe from costly diseases like diabetes."
resource center
The Resource Center aims to provide the tools necessary for all South St. Petersburg residents, of any age and background, to build better lives through education programs in three main areas: healthy living skills; social living skills, and personal development. Their goal is not only to help people with day-to-day life problems but also give them opportunities that will allow them make good decisions as they grow older--decisions like what career path, finances, health, and social.